Creating New Prescriptions


  1. Within the patient's record, select the Current Rx tab. To initiate a new prescription click the Add Item Button button or press F3. The Select Drug window appears.

  2. Select an item by either:
    • Typing the item name in the Enter Drug Name box and double-clicking it, or selecting it and clicking

    • Accessing the MDref Class Browser by clicking Select drug by Class and selecting a drug from there.
    • Accessing your favourites list by clicking
  3. (Optional) You can further filter the list of medications via;
    • The Exclude OTC check box for refreshing the medications list to hide Over-The-Counter medications,
    • The Brands button for showing generic brand names with the same strength as the highlighted item,
    • The Group button for displaying members of the Therapeutic Group to which the medication belongs.
    • The Current Class button for displaying all items from MDref of the same therapeutic class as the item.
  4. Click Prescribe to prescribe your medication of choice. You may be notified of any possible drug interactions.
  5. (Optional) If you have an existing Limited Prescription for this patient, you will be prompted to;
    • Continue: Updates the Script date to today's date.
    • Make Regular: Changes the prescription to a regular prescription.
    • Completed: Updates the script record to mark this script as completed.
    • Remove: Removes the script from the Current Rx tab.
    • Ignore: Ignores the prompt. This prompt will appear again next time you access this Patient's Clinical Record.
  6. The Enter Dose window appears. Record dosage data for the medication you are prescribing. Set the dose and a frequency.

  7. Indicate instructions as required.
  8. Choose a Route of Administration.
  9. Select a Purpose of Action;
    • Product Advised here for recommending items that do not require a printed script.
    • Product Supplied here for administering items without printing a script, e.g. items from your surgery.
  10. Select the Duration of Medication; Long Term or Limited.
    • Long Term for on-going medications. When the medication runs out it is assumed it will be renewed. Long Term medications remain on the Current Rx tab until manually deleted.
    • Limited for once-off or limited duration medications. Limited medications remain on the Current Rx tab even when the estimated duration expires, at which time a prompt notifies you.
  11. (Optional) Indicate if you want to send this medication to the patient's My Health Record with their consent. This check box is only available if the following conditions have been met;
    • You have enabled My Health Record
    • The patient has not withdrawn consent to upload their clinical documents to the My Health Record System
    • You have enabled ePrescribing
  12. (Optional) Add to Favourites adds the drug to a favourites list.
  13. (Optional) Save as Default saves the dosage, instructions and duration, for when next the drug is selected.
  14. Record the start date of the medication. The default date is the current date.
  15. Click OK continue.
  16. (Optional) If the medication is an Authority Item you will be prompted accordingly.
  17. You will be prompted to confirm the drug quantity and repeats. Modify if necessary and click OK to continue.
  18. (Optional) If you are prescribing a PBS/RPBS Restricted Benefit medication, you will be prompted accordingly.
  19. The Reason for Medication window appears, prompting you to record a reason for the medication. either:
    • Enter the first few letters of the reason into the Pick from List (Coded) text box.
    • Free-type a reason via the Free Text (Uncoded) option and corresponding text box.
    • Select an existing reason from the Existing Past Medical History Items list.

  20. Save in Past Medical History saves the Reason for Medication to the patient's Past History tab.
  21. Save as Reason for Contact adds a corresponding note to the patient's Progress Notes.
  22. Left and Right allow items to be marked as either on the left side of the body, right side of the body or bilateral.
  23. Active saves the Reason for Prescription to the patient's Past History tab as an active condition.
  24. Confidential prevents the item from being printed on letters, Pathology/Radiology requests, or history summaries.
  25. Summary allows items to be marked as summary items, to be printed summaries and on letters/request forms.
  26. Click OK when you are ready to continue. The Select Drug window reappears, awaiting further prescriptions. Proceed with prescribing further items, or click Close to cease. Prescriptions that you have added appear within the patient's Current Medications List (Current Rx tab), and are flagged as ready for printing.