Entering Licence Details

Before you begin


  1. Enter your details as supplied by MedicalDirector. If you have not received this information, you will need to contact MedicalDirector Customer Service on 1300 300 161 with your Practice ID handy so your Registration details can be faxed out.
    • Complete the fields marked Practice ID and Practice Name. The Practice name must be entered exactly as it appears on the registration details supplied by MedicalDirector, including case, spacing and punctuation. Important note: If your practice name contains an apostrophe character (e.g. Morley's Medical Centre), please ensure you use the single-quote character ('), and not the accent character (`), which on most keyboards resides on the same key as the ~ character.
    • Via the Product Name drop-down list, select the product for which you want to enter registration details.
    • Enter the Registration Key. Be aware that any figures that look to be '0' and '1' need to be entered as the numerals zero and one. The key will not contain any lower-case letters or the letters 'O' or 'I'.
  2. When you have entered the details, click the Validate button to check the key's validity. A valid registration key will be highlighted in green, an invalid key in red. Check the bottom section of the window to confirm your number of licences and expiry date.

  3. Clicking the Cancel button at any time will undo any actions applied here, restore the previous registration information, and close the window.
  4. Click the Save button to confirm.
  5. Click the Close button to exit. You can now continue to use Pracsoft or Clinical.