PART 1: Creating Effective Recall and Reminder Reasons
Before you begin
A key factor in helping ensure an effective and manageable recall and reminder system is to create and define a clear and concise list of reasons. Ensure that staff members recognise the difference between a reminder and recall.
The RACGP Green Book (2nd edition) states: "Reminders are used to initiate prevention, before or during the patient visit. They can either be opportunistic or proactive. Recalls are proactive follow-up to a preventive or clinical activity."
To do this:
- From the main screen select Tools > Options.
- Select the Recall tab.
Add, Edit, Delete to create an effective recall reason.
- Some sites use an asterisk * to indicate a recall, whilst others clearly define it in the reason itself, e.g. Cervical Screening RECALL and Cervical Screening REMINDER
- Reasons found in this list are not limited to recalls and reminders; the list is also available for creating Action List items.
- One way of fully utilising the reason list is to include "Review" or "Follow-Up" in the list – this enables the clinician to add these reasons in their Action Items and them for following-up test results.