Parameters for Automatic Installations

Two parameters implement varying degrees of automation for the MedicalDirector Clinical, Pracsoft and MDref updates.

About this task

These options are not available for a full release of Clinical/Pracsoft; only for updates of these applications.

Parameter Description
/automatic This runs the installation automatically.

If an affected application is running, a message is displayed. Close the application, then click Retry.

The Summary dialog is displayed when the installation is completed. Click Finish.

/fullautomatic This runs the installation automatically.

If an affected application is running, a message is displayed. Close the application, then click Retry.

If there are any errors, or components were skipped, the Summary dialog is displayed. Click Finish.


To use the parameters:
  1. Locate and make a note of the path where the update was downloaded.
  2. On the Windows Command prompt, type: "<path location>\<update executable file name>" /<parameter>. For example:
     "c:\users\julies\downloads\MDref1105MD3.exe" /automatic
    Enclosing the "<path location>\<update executable file name>" with double quotes (") is necessary if the folders or file names contain spaces.
  3. Press Enter.