Population Health: MedicalDirector Insights Release Notes V1.8.18

The Department of Health has requested modifications to several indicators for nKPI, OSR and PIP-QI reports.

The following table describe the changes that have been implemented in MedicalDirector Insights Version 1.8.18.

Changes to Online Services Report (OSR) Reports

Table 1. Online Services Reports (OSR)
Indicator Summary of changes
CS1a - Episodes of Care and CS3a - Individual clients seen. 'Telephone' visit type has been removed from the episode of care list.

Changes to National Key Performance Indicator changes (nKPI) Reports

Table 2. Aboriginal Health Program National Key Performance Indicator changes (nKPI)
Indicator Summary of changes
PI25: STI result recorded. Updates to LOINC codes.

Inclusion of free-text look-up for pathology test names for chlamydia/gonorrhoea.

Changes to Practice Incentives Program Quality-Improvement (PIP-QI) Indicator Reports

Table 3. Practice Incentives Program Quality-Improvement (PIP-QI) Indicator changes
Topic/Indicator Summary of changes
Attendance types counted towards RACGP regular client. Inclusion of hospital and telephone consultations as visit types.
QIM 2A/2B – Smoking status. Adopted a consistent and universal single reference period of 'within the previous 24 months' for recording of smoking status across all age groups.
QIM7 – Alcohol consumption. Adopted a reference period of 'within the previous 24 months' for the recording of alcohol consumption status for regular clients ≥ 15years of age.
QIM9 – Cervical screening 'Sub-total hysterectomy' has been included in the numerator and denominator for this QIM.
QIMs 1, 5 and 10- Cortisone-induced diabetes. 'Cortisone-induced diabetes' has been removed as a diabetes type from the calculation of numerators and denominators for this QIM.