Patients with Non-Entered Clinical Data
View a list of active patients who have not been asked about their medical history, current medications or any allergies.
The Clinical Data Statistics search shows you the percentage of
active patients who have current data recorded for:
To display the Clinical Data Statistics window, from the Clinical Front Screen, select .

To print a list of patients for whom this information has not been recorded, set which
conditions you want to filter for and click Patients Details.

From the list of patients you can:
- Create a Recall notification for a selected patient. ERROR: Variable (Recall_Management) is undefined.
- Save the list to an external file.
- Print the list.
- Print mail-out labels for the list.
- Print a letter for each patient (mail merge).
To print a list of statistics, click Print Statistics.
Our practice can demonstrate that at least 90% of our active patient health records contain a record of known allergies.
Our practice can demonstrate that at least 75% of our active patient health records
contain a current health summary. A satisfactory summary includes, where appropriate:
- adverse drug reactions
- current medicines list
- current health problems
- relevant past health history
- health risk factors (eg. smoking, nutrition, alcohol and physical activity)
- immunisations
- relevant family history
- relevant social history including cultural background where clinically relevant.
Our practice has documented standardised clinical terminology (such as coding) which the practice team uses to enable data collection for review of clinical practice.