Scheduling a Telehealth Consultation in Clinical
Create a Telehealth consultation or appointment and send the link to your patient before the appointment is due.
Before you begin
About this task
The telehealth link becomes valid 5 minutes prior to the scheduled consult time, and remains valid for 2 hours from the scheduled consult time.
The SMS charge is independent of your subscription with MedicalDirector or any third-party SMS providers you may be working with.
To schedule a Telehealth consultation:
- Open the patient's record Clinical. The Smart Telehealth widget is automatically populated with the patient's details. Continue now to Step 2.
- Search for a patient by clicking Search Patients.
Select the patient in the results. Clickto create the appointment. Continue now to Step 3.
By default it is assumed you wish to create a new appointment or consult. You can
also view upcoming (next in queue), booked and past consults.
Scroll down to the Appointment Date/Time section, and create a new consultation/appointment by selecting the date, time and duration.
You can create multiple consultations.
to create the consultation.