Clinical Stats

Use the Clinical Stats utility to analyse patient data from Clinical.

Before you begin

The Clinical Stats utility is an optional component of the Clinical suite and its use is entirely under the control of the practice. Any data analysed or extracted by this tool is stored within the practice; no data or any other information is transmitted outside the practice by Clinical Stats. However, any practice that wishes to participate in the APCC or NQPS can use Clinical Stats to extract the relevant data from Clinical. Once extracted, this data can be provided to the APCC or NQPS using systems provided by them. Clinical Stats does not transfer data outside of the surgery.

Clinical Stats reports meet the requirements of the Australian Primary Care Collaboratives (APCC) and the National Performance Indicators (a part of the National Quality Performance System). Use Clinical Stats to:

  • Produce reports to support APCC and National Performance Indicator requirements.
  • View reports directly on the screen.
  • Print formatted reports.
  • Export your data so you can use it as you like in spreadsheet software such as Microsoft Excel.
  • Advanced analysis, i.e. drilling down through report rows.


To run Clinical Stats:
  1. Double-click the Clinical Stats icon on your Windows desktop, or select Windows Start > Programs > MedicalDirector > Clinical Stats
  2. You will be prompted to log-in to the Clinical Stats application. Ensure you select the correct database configuration you wish to log into: this will be the Clinical database that contains the data you wish to derive statistics from.