
Three DDE topics are used when sending DDE commands to Clinical. The table below details the commands per topic.

Topic Command Description

These commands open the various patient windows. An optional parameter can be passed between square brackets containing the ID number of a patient.

If this parameter is passed, then that patients record is opened. If the parameter is not passed, the desired window in the current patients file is opened.

OPEN[parameter]* Opens the patients medication window
HISTORY[parameter]* Opens the patients history window
IMMS[parameter]* Opens the patients immunisation window
PATHOL[parameter]* Opens the patients pathology window
PAP[parameter]* Opens the patients cervical screening window
ANTENATAL[parameter]* Opens the patients antenatal window
SCRIPTS[parameter]* Opens the patients past prescription window
LETTERS[parameter]* Opens the patient correspondence window.
UPDATE[parameter] * Updates the patient's demographic details.
The parameter should be a string containing the patient demographic data as per the format outlined below.
SYSTEM CLOSE Closes Clinical
MAXIMIZE Maximizes Clinical
MINIMIZE Minimizes Clinical
PASSWORD[parameter] Passes a users password through to Clinical. If the password is valid, then Clinical will log that user on.

These commands call some of the other Clinical menu functions.

MDref Opens the MDref drug database.
PI Opens the Product Information database.
CPI Opens the Consumer Product Information database.
ADDRESSBOOK Opens the Address database.
SEARCH Activates the Find Condition function from the Tools menu.
DEMOGRAPHICS Activates the Demographics function from the Tools menu.
CHECKPATH Activates the Check pathology function from the Tools menu.
IMPORTPATH Activates the Import pathology function from the Tools menu.

* Structure of Demographic String Parameter for UPDATE Command - see PATIENTS.IN Format for more information.