
A patient's Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) number is generated and entered automatically upon saving a patient's record (this requires an active Internet connection). An IHI number may only be retrieved for patients who have a Medicare or a DVA number recorded. You cannot manually enter an IHI number.

Is the IHI number automatically retrieved when adding a new patient? No the IHI number is not automatically retrieved when adding a new patient. This does not occur until the patient's record is opened in either MedicalDirector Clinical or MedicalDirector Pracsoft.

Does the IHI transfer to MedicalDirector Pracsoft if validated in MedicalDirector Clinical and vice versa? The IHI number will transfer between MedicalDirector Clinical and MedicalDirector Pracsoft provided link options are set correctly, i.e. 'Link to Billing' ticked in MD Link Options, and' Link to MD3' ticked in MedicalDirector Pracsoft.