What is the Practice Incentives Program?
Introduced in May 2016, the PIP offers general practices the opportunity to contribute Shared Health Summaries to the My Health Record system for their patients. General practices that upload Shared Health Summaries for a minimum of 0.5% of the practice's standardised whole patient equivalent (SWPE) are eligible for the PIP eHealth Incentive payment (ePIP).
Requirement | Description | |
1 | Integrating Healthcare Identifiers into Electronic Practice Records | The intent of this requirement is to make Healthcare
Identifiers available for Secure Message Delivery and for use in the personally
controlled electronic health (eHealth) record. (Source:
http://www.medicareaustralia.gov.au/provider/incentives/pip/files/9977.pdf) The Federal, state and territory governments have developed a national Healthcare Identifiers Service (HI Service) which uniquely identifies healthcare providers and individuals who seek healthcare. Medicare Australia is the operator of the HI Service. The HI Service will give individuals and Healthcare Providers confidence that the right health information is associated with the right individual at the point of care. |
2 | Secure Messaging Capability | The intent of this requirement is to begin the process that will drive towards achieving a standards based and interoperable secure messaging environment within the health sector. The practice must have a standards-compliant secure messaging capability to electronically transmit and receive clinical messages to and from other healthcare providers, use it where feasible, and have a written policy to encourage its use in place. |
3 | Data Records and Clinical Coding | There are no software conformance requirements for this
requirement. Practices must ensure that where clinically relevant, they are working towards recording the majority of diagnoses for active patients electronically, using a medical vocabulary that can be mapped against a nationally recognised disease classification or terminology system. Practices must provide a written policy to this effect to all GPs within the practice. An active patient is a patient who has attended the practice three or more times in the past two years. Medical Vocabularies include SNOMED-CT, DOCLE, PYEFINCH and ICPC2+. Nationally recognised disease classification and terminology systems include ICPC2, ICD10-AM and SNOMED-CT. DOCLE (Doctor Command Language) is a non-numeric health coding and medical classification system. The DOCLE system is used in Clinical. DOCLE has been modelled on the Linnaean biological classification system since 1995. DOCLE generates clinical codes from ubiquitous health language using an algorithm, hence it is a human readable clinical coding system. |
4 | Electronic Transfer of Prescriptions | The practice must ensure that the majority of their prescriptions are sent electronically to a Prescription Exchange Service (PES) |
5 | My Health Record | The practice must: