Authority Items
Record approval numbers for authority medications.
If a prescribed medication item requires an authority, after you complete the Dose/Frequency/Instructions window, the Phone Approval Hotline window appears.

The Dose/Frequency/Instructions window:
- Displays the information that is required to obtain an approval number by telephone. If you telephone for an approval number, you can enter it manually in the Approval Number field.
- Satisfies the requirements of Medicare Australia's Streamlined Authority system and can generate an approval number automatically for eligible medications. It is displayed in the Authority Number field. You can change this number if necessary. If you change the number manually, clicking Use default number will reset it to the default specified by Medicare Australia's Streamlined Authority system.
- The generated authority number is the script number. You must quote it to obtain telephone approval.
- If you enter an approval number is entered, it is printed on the prescription. If you do not enter it immediately and obtain telephone approval later, you can print the prescription and hand-write the approval number on it.
- Some medications that are eligible for Medicare Australia's Streamlined Authority
system have multiple approval numbers. To select an approval number, click
View List > the Available Approvals
window appears > select an appropriate approval number.
- You can change the quantity and number of repeats if necessary. If you change the quantity or repeats after obtaining an approval number from Medicare Australia, you might be required to obtain a new approval number. For medications that are eligible for Medicare Australia's Streamlined Authority system, you can decrease the quantity or repeats without affecting the pre-generated approval number. If you increase the quantity or repeats, you must obtain a new approval number.
- Check boxes are provided on this window to allow the Authority to be marked to indicate if a previous Authority has been obtained, and whether the prescription is to be sent to the patient or returned to the practitioner.
- Buttons allow you to choose whether the item is to be printed as an Authority prescription or as a Private prescription. If Private is chosen, the drug's code is changed from 'A' to '$', and it is printed on a private prescription.
- If Authority is clicked, the item is printed as an authority prescription. The text in the edit box is printed on the Medicare Australia copy of the prescription as the Indication for Authority. You can edit this text as appropriate, for example, some medications require the date of an endoscopy to be added to the indication.The edited text is stored in that patient's record so that you do not need to re-enter it if you write subsequent Authority prescriptions for this medication and patient.
- When the Authority prescription is printed, the third (Medicare Australia/DVA copy) and fourth (Practitioner's copy) copies of the prescription are printed on the white space below the original and duplicate. MedicalDirector Clinical keeps a copy of the prescription so it is not necessary for the prescriber to keep the printed fourth copy, however Medicare Australia requires it to be printed.
- Space limitations mean it is not possible to put lengthy instructions on authority prescriptions. They are truncated to fit the available space.