Geriatric Depression Scale
The Geriatric Depression Scale helps diagnose and manage depression in elderly patients (50 and above) by indicating the probability of depression based on the results of a set of structured questions.
Assessment > Geriatric Depression (via the Clinical Window)
The results of the questionnaire are recorded in the patient's Progress Notes and a score is saved to the patient's record allowing the information to be graphed over time.
From within the Clinical Window, select . The Geriatric Depression Scale window appears.

Complete the questionnaire according to the patient's responses and then click Finish. A score is recorded and an indication of the probability of depression is given. The results of the questionnaire are recorded in the patient's Progress Notes and a score is saved to the patient's record allowing the information to be graphed over time.
You have the option of printing the questionnaire, allowing the patient to complete and return it in their own time.
To view a graph of results over time, click Previous Results. The Geriatric Depression Scale window appears.

Click Close to return to the Geriatric Depression Scale
The Geriatric Depression Scale is also available by clicking the GDS button from the Social/Other History page of the Health Assessment module.