Influenza Vaccination Prompt
The Influenza Vaccination Prompt is displayed for patients who meet the criteria saved in the Influenza 'At Risk' Search window. For such patients, the prompt will appear upon opening their record. A prompt will not appear for any patient flagged as excluded (see Influenza 'At Risk' Search Criteria for exclusions).
The Influenza 'At Risk' Vaccination Prompt appears only during the months of February through August (unless you have disabled the exclusion "Exclude Patients from Influenza 'At Risk' Prompts outside Influenza Season", available on the Influenza Search Criteria window).

Select the vaccine to prescribe from the options provided.
- Click Update Immunisations to call the vaccination window where you can enter the details of the vaccination for inclusion in the patient's record. You might choose this option if the patient will be receiving the vaccination during the current consultation. You might not use this option if you think the vaccination will be administered at a later date - you should only record a vaccination entry in the patient's immunisations record when you know the vaccination has taken place.
- Click Prescribe Vaccine to create a prescription for a vaccine.
- Tick the Exclude this patient... check box to disable this prompt for this patient. This prompt can be re-enabled for this patient via
The prompting for Influenza vaccinations can be disabled by clearing the 'Influenza At Risk' check box under Prompts options. This will affect all patients.