Checklist for Requirement 2

To ensure that your practice complies with Requirement 2 the following information must be ticked:

Practice must complete Requirement 1 - Integrating Healthcare Identifiers into Electronic Practice Records.
Practice has applied for the National Authentication Service for Health (NASH) PKI certificate for eHealth and secure messaging within two weeks of receiving its HPI-O (Requirement 1) or by 1 February 2013, whichever is later.
Practice has imported the NASH PKI Certificate.
By 1 February 2013, or within four weeks of having received your NASH PKI certificate, whichever is later:

Practices must have a standards-compliant product with secure messaging capability that is listed on the PIP eHealth Product Register for Secure Messaging ( securemessage delivery), or

Have written advice from a vendor listed on the PIP eHealth Product Register for Secure Messaging that their listed product will be available to the practice in order to meet the time frame outlined in the last check box below.

A written policy must be in place to encourage the use of standards-compliant secure messaging.
Practice can provide verification that the compliant product has been installed (e.g. HealthLink) and configured or has written advice that their product will be compliant within the time line for Secure Messaging Delivery (SMD) compliance. This step must be completed by 1st August 2013.