'Default' Format (recommended)
Field | Size | Notes |
External ID | 9 | Unique identifying code for each patient.
Patient Surname | 30 | Patient's surname. If the patient goes by a single name, this field will be blank. |
Patient First Name | 30 | Patient's first name. For patients who go by a single name;
Patient Title | 6 | Patient's title as recorded in Clinical or Pracsoft. |
Patient Date of Birth | 8 | Date of birth in format dd/mm/yyyy. |
Patient ATSI status | 1 | 'Y' or 'N' |
Patient Address | 40 | Street and Number. Can contain up to three lines of information, separated by CSV. |
Patient City | 30 | City or Suburb. |
Patient Postcode | 4 | Post Code. |
Patient Chart Number | 10 | Chart/Record number if recorded in Clinical or Pracsoft. |
Patient Pension Number | 14 | If the patient has a Pension Status of 'Pension/HCC' (as recorded in Clinical or Pracsoft), this field will indicate the patient's Pension Number. However, if the patient's pension status is 'none', this field will be blank. |
Patient DVA Number | 14 | If the patient has a Pension Status of 'Full DVA' or 'Limited DVA' (as recorded in Clinical or Pracsoft), this field will indicate the patient's DVA Number. However, if the patient's pension status is 'none', this field will be blank. |
Patient Medicare Number | 13 | Patient's Medicare Number if recorded in Clinical or Pracsoft. |
Patient Medicare Index Number | 1 | Patient's Medicare Index/Reference Number, if Medicare Number has been recorded in Clinical or Pracsoft. |
Doctor Name | 30 | Practitioner's Name. |
Doctor Provider Number | 8 | Practitioner's Provider Number. |
Immunisation Date | 10 | Date on which immunisation was recorded in Clinical. This is not necessarily the date on which the immunisation was actually administered. |
Vaccination Name | 40 | Name of the recorded vaccination. |
AIR Vaccine Code | 6 | Generated at runtime. |
Immunisation Sequence | 1 | If entered when recording an immunisation. Otherwise this field is left blank. |
Immunisation Batch No | 20 | If entered when recording an immunisation. Otherwise this field is left blank. This number should not contain spaces (can be enforced via the setting 'Enforce AIR Validation rules to batch numbers for the purpose of Medicare Australia claims' within Advanced Link Options). |
VaccineSerialNumber | Serial Number entered in the Imm tab | |
ImmunisingProviderIdentifierIndividual | HPI-I number of the doctor who administered the vaccine, or whom it was administered on behalf | |
ImmunisingProviderIdentifierOrganisation | Practices HPI-O number | |
InformationProviderIdentifierIndividual | HPI-I number of the doctor who administered the vaccine, or whom it was administered on behalf | |
InformationProviderIdentifierOrganisation | Practices HPI-O number | |
IndividualHealthIdentifier | Patients IHI Number | |
VaccineAdministeredOverseasIndicator | whether or not the Vaccine was administered overseas |
Record size = 345 bytes
Each line contains the following pipe delimited fields: