Generic ASCII v2 Format
This is a fixed length format. Each line in the file relates to a single patient and consists of a character string terminated with a Carriage return/Line feed pair (ASCII 13 + ASCII 10). The file can contain any number of lines (each line representing a record) as per the following format.
Field | Name | Length | Description |
1 | EXTERNAL_ID | 9 | Unique identifying code for each patient. May contain letters or numbers in character format. Needs to be unique as it is used as a key to identify patients and their associated medications, history, and so forth. Should be generated by the system when a new patient record is initiated. |
2 | TITLE | 5 | |
3 | SURNAME | 30 | |
4 | FIRSTNAME | 30 | Patient's first name. For patients who go by a single name, If the FIRSTNAME data is 'ONLYNAME' or '.' or Spaces, it will be identified as being a Single Name when imported into Clinical or Pracsoft (via the Link File Processor, DDE, or the Import Demographics utility). f the FIRSTNAME is 'ONLYNAME' or '.' when imported, it will be converted to an empty string by Clinical/Pracsoft. The 'Delete data in Clinical' option (Link File Processor) ignores the FIRSTNAME field. |
5 | ADDRESS | 40 | Street and Number |
6 | CITY | 25 | City or Suburb |
7 | POSTCODE | 4 | |
8 | DOB | 10 | Date of birth in format dd/mm/yyyy |
9 | MC_NO | 12 | Medicare Number |
10 | MC_INDEX | 1 | Medicare Index/Reference Number |
11 | PENS_NO | 14 | Pension Number |
12 | DVA NO | 14 | DVA Number |
13 | H_PHONE | 14 | Home Phone Number |
14 | W_PHONE | 14 | Work Phone Number |
15 | CODE | 1 | Pension Code P = Pension/HCC holder R = DVA yellow card holder L = DVA white card holder. Blank = not specified |
16 | GENDER | 1 | Blank (Not Stated) - unrecognised data is also handled as if blank. M (Male) F (Female) X (Intersex/Other) - 'O' is also read as 'Other', but never written |
17 | S_NET | 14 | Safety net Number |
18 | RECORD_NO | 10 | Record Number This field corresponds to the patient's record in the paper-based files, for example the RACGP filing system. |
19 | LINK_TO | 9 | External ID of Head of Family |
20 | LINKCODE | 1 | A = Add U = Update D = Delete |
Fields are buffered with spaces (ASCII 32).
Blank fields can be contained in each line of text as long as the correct positions of the following fields are maintained.
This file format has been superceded by the TRANSFER.OUT format which is the preferred standard for exporting data from Clinical.
- File Formats
- Technical Reference
The PATIENTS.OUT file was the original default for exporting information from Clinical. It is a fixed length text file conforming to the format specified below.
Each line in has the following Structure and is terminated by a Carriage return/Line feed pair (ASCII 13 + ASCII 10).
Field Name Length Description 1 UR_NO 9 Unique identifying code for each patient * 2 SURNAME 20 3 FIRSTNAME 20 All Christian Names 4 ADDRESS 30 Street and Number 5 CITY 20 City or Suburb 6 POSTCODE 4 7 DOB 10 Date of birth in format dd/mm/yyyy 8 MC_NO 13 Medicare Number 9 PENS_NO 14 Pension or DVA Number 10 PHONE 14 Phone Number 11 CODE 1 Pension Code - P, R, L or blank ** 12 SEX 1 N (Not Stated), M (Male), F (Female), X (Intersex/Other) 13 S_NET 14 Safety net Number 14 RECORD_NO 10 Record or Chart Number *** Notes A field may be blank, if the information is not recorded in the Clinical Databases, however, the correct position of the fields are maintained (buffered with space character). * Unique code identifying a patient - may contain letters or numbers in character format. ** P = Pension/HCC holder, R = DVA yellow card holder, L = DVA white card holder. *** This field corresponds to the patient's record in the paper-based files, for example the RACGP filing system. PIT Format
The PIT file format is one of two industry standard formats used for the electronic transfer of investigation information such as pathology.
Clinical also supports the HL7 format for transferring investigation results. For more information on HL7 contact Standards Australia.
FILE FORMAT SPECIFICATION for QML/S&N Pathology Results Transfer - Version 07 - 1 July 1996
This document contains a description of the file layout used by Queensland Medical Laboratory (QML) and Drs Sullivan, Nicolaides and Partners (S&N) for pathology results transmissions.
The file has variable length records, in this document called lines. Each line starts with a 3 digit code followed by a space.
Line codes ending in '9' are used as separators, either spaces or dashes.
Line codes 001 - 099 FILE HEADER 001 - 009 Source lab and run details 010 - 019 Surgery doctors index 020 - 029 Patients with results in this run Line codes 100 - 399 RESULT REPORT INFORMATION 100 - 109 Patient details 110 - 119 Specimen/Medicare reference 120 - 129 Referring and Copy doctors 130 - 139 Hospital details 200 - 299 Result header 300 - 399 Result details Line code 999 FILE TRAILER PIT - Line Description
File Header Line Description Content Position Size (bytes) Format Comments 001 Source lab heading 'QUEENSLAND MEDICAL LABORATORY PATHOLOGY REPORTS' or 'DRS SULLIVAN NICOLAIDES AND PARTNERS PATHOLOGY REPORTS' 05- <control type> 62-63 2 Not used <format version number> 64-65 2 '07' <date of version> 67-76 10 '01/07/1996' 002 Blank line <spaces> 05- 003 Report run detail 1 'Report Run Number :' 05- <run number> 24-27 4 'Created:' 29- <run date> 40-49 10 'at' 55-56 <run time> 61-68 8 HH:MM:SS 004 Report run detail 2 'Surgery' 05- <surgery ID> 14-18 5 'Reports:' 21- <report from date> 30-39 10 DD/MM/YYYY <report from time> 41-48 8 HH:MM:SS 'to' 51- <report to date> 55-64 10 DD/MM/YYYY <report to time> 66-73 8 HH:MM:SS <rerun indicator> 76 5 'Rerun' or <spaces> 006 Hospital run detail 'Hospital:' 05- <hospital code> 17- <=5 <hospital name> 32-64 32 009 End of heading lines <dashes> 05- 010 Surgery doctor <doctor name> 05-36 32 <title> <Initial>> <Surname>> (QML) <title> <1st name> <Initial> <Surname> S&N <code> 40- <=5 QML or S&N doctor code <provider number> 50- 8 019 End of Surgery doctors <dashes> 05- 020 Patient heading line 'Your ref.' 05- 'Patient Name' 17- 'Lab Ref.' 48- 'Test' 64- 021 Patient detail <your reference> 05- <=12 <patient name> 17- <=32 <Surname>,<christian name> <lab reference> 48- <=12 <test performed> 64- 029 End of patient heading <dashes> 05- RESULT REPORT INFORMATION Line Description Content Position Size (bytes) Format Comments 100 Patient name 'Start Patient :' 05- <patient name> 27- <=32 <Surname>,<christian name> <initial> 101 Patient Address <street>,<town> <state> <pcode> or QML <street>,<town> <pcode> 27- S&N 104 Birth details 'Birthdate:' 27- <birthdate> 38-47 10 DD/MM/YYYY 'Age:' 52-55 <age prefix> 57 1 'Y', 'M' or 'D' Y=years, M=months, D=days <age> 58-60 3 Age in years, months or days 'Sex:' 64-67 <sex> 69 1 'F' or 'M' 105 Patients phone number 'Telephone:' 27- <telephone number> 38- 16 109 Blank line <spaces> 05- 110 Surgery/Hospital reference 'Your Reference :' 05- <reference number> 27- <=16 111 Laboratory reference <lab>' Reference :' 05- <lab> = "QML" or "S&N" <reference number> 27- <=16 112 Medicare number 'Medicare Number:' 05- <medicare number> 27- 10 115 Phone Enquiries 'Phone Enquiries:' 05- <consulting pathologist> 27- <=32 <Initial> <Surname>(/<Initial> <Surname>..) <phone number> 60- <=12 119 Blank line <spaces> 05- 121 Referring doctor 'Referred by :' 05- <doctor name> 27- <=32 <title> <initial> <Surname> (QML) <title> <1st name> <init.> <Surname> (S&N) 122 Copy doctor 'Copy to :' 05- <doctor name> 27- <=32 <title> <initial> <Surname> (QML) <title> <1st name> <init.> <Surname> (S&N) 123 Receiving doctor 'Addressee :' 05- Initially only used by S&N <doctor name> 27- <=32 <title> <initial> <Surname> (QML) <title> <1st name> <init.> <Surname> (S&N) <provider number> 61- 8 129 Blank line <spaces> 05- 130 Hospital ward 'Ward :' 05- <ward> 27- <=32 131 Automatic ward print 'Auto ward print:' 05- <print indicator> 27- 1 "Y" or "N" 139 Blank line <spaces> 05- RESULT HEADER Line Description Content Position Size (bytes) Format Comments 200 Result header 'Start of Result:' 05- 201 Specimen type 'Specimen :' 05- Not used by S&N <specimen type> 27- 203 Request date 'Requested :' 05- <Request date> 27- 10 DD/MM/YYYY 204 Collection date 'Collected :' 05- <Collection date> 27-36 10 DD/MM/YYYY <Collection time> 39-43 5 HH:MM 205 Test name 'Name of Test :' 05- <test name> 27- 206 Report date & time 'Reported :' 05- <Report date> 27-36 10 DD/MM/YYYY <Report time> 39-43 5 HH:MM 207 Confidentiality indicator 'Confidential :' 05- <confidential indicator> 27- 1 "Y" or "N" 208 Test category 'Test Category :' 05- <category indicator> 27- 1 "R" = Routine, "U" = Urgent 209 Blank line <spaces> 05- 210 Normal result indicator 'Normal Result :' 05- <normal result indicator> 27- 1 "Y" or "N" 211 Requested Tests 'Requested Tests:' 05- <tests> 27-100 Free form 212 Request complete indicator 'RequestComplete:' 05- <request complete indicator> 27- 1 "Y" or "N" 'Y' if this report completes tests requested. 299 Blank line <spaces> 05- RESULT DETAILS Line Description Content Position Size (bytes) Format Comments 301 Result line <results> 05- Free form 309 Blank line <spaces> 05- 311 Cumulative result line <results> 05- Free form 319 Blank line <spaces> 05- 390 End of report this patient 'End of Report :' 05- 399 End of Report separator <dashes> 05- Line codes 100 - 399 are repeated for each patient results. FILE TRAILER Line Description Content Position Size (bytes) Format Comments 999 End of file 'END OF LISTING - Run Number:' 05- Details repeated from file header. <run number> 33-36 4 <run date> 39-48 10 DD/MM/YYYY <run time> 51-58 8 HH:MM:SS Control Commands
In the report, control commands can be embedded and will have the following format: <tilde><control command>(<control command>...)<tilde>
<tilde> = '~' <control command> = 4 character command
One or more control commands can occur between the tildes. The control commands required initially are : FGnn = Set foreground (text) colour to nn
nn = numeric value 00 - 99 04 = Red * (see note below) 99 = Default SBLD = Start bold EBLD = End bold SUND = Start underline EUND = End underline
Full list of colour codes are given below, but initially only red and "default" is required. Example 1: ~FG04~WARNING~FG99~ (display/print WARNING in red, then switch back to default colour)
Example 2:
~FG04SBLD~RED AND BOLD~FG99EBLD~ (display/print RED AND BOLD in red and bold, then switch to default colour and end bold)
The red colour (FG04) is in the S&N reports used for highlighting purposes, and can be replaced by other highlighting such as bold, underline and so forth if so chosen.
Following control commands may be required in the future and are included here only as information. If any of the commands below are in fact going to be used you are updated well in advance of implementation date.
BGnn = Set background colour to nn
where nn = numeric value 00 - 99 as defined below
FOff = Set font to ff
where ff = numeric value 00 - 99 yet to be defined
PIpp = Set pitch to pp
where pp = numeric value 00 - 99 yet to be defined
SBLK = Start blinking
EBLK = End blinking Colour codes (nn) used for the FGnn and BGnn commands are :
00 = Black 06 = Brown 12 = Light Red 01 = Blue 07 = Light Grey 13 = Light Magenta 02 = Green 08 = Dark Grey 14 = Yellow 03 = Cyan 09 = Light Blue 15 = White 04 = Red 10 = Light Green 05 = Magenta 11 = Light Cyan 99 = Default Example of PIT File
Example of file transfer layout
In the following example the spacing between content items differs from a printed or imported result. This is due to the limitations of the HTML language used to prepare this example for publication in the Help System. 001 DRS SULLIVAN NICOLAIDES AND PARTNERS PATHOLOGY REPORTS 07 01/07/1996002003 Report Run Number: 24 Created: 01/08/1996 at 12:40:23004 Surgery: 09111 Reports: 31/07/1996 12:11:23 to 01/08/1996 12:40:23009 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------010 Dr Tomas C Testing TCT03 1034572J019 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------020 Your Ref. Patient Name Lab Ref. Test021 230462123 PATIENT,PETER 123-456789 BIOCHEMICAL PROFILE029 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------100 Start Patient : PATIENT,PETER101 12 EASY ST, HOME TOWN QLD 4567104 Birthdate: 20/05/1945 Age: Y51 Sex: M105 Telephone: 07 3333 4444109110 Your Reference : 230462123111 S&N Reference : 123-456789112 Medicare Number: 1456733421115 Phone Enquiries: B CAMPBELL/T GAFFNEY 07-3778666119121 Referred by : Dr Tomas C Testing122 Copy to : Dr Conrad P Copydoctor123 Addressee : Dr Tomas C Testing 1034572J129200 Start of Result:201 Specimen :203 Requested : 31/07/1996204 Collected : 31/07/1996 12:00205 Name of Test : BIOCHEMICAL PROFILE206 Reported : 01/08/1996 08:34207 Confidential : N208 Test Category : R209210 Normal Result : Y211 Requested Tests: BIOCHEMICAL PROFILE, SECTION212 RequestComplete: N299301 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX301 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX301 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX301 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX301 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX301 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX301 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX309311 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX311 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX311 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX311 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX319390 End of Report :399 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------999 END OF LISTING - Run Number: 24 01/08/1996 12:40:23
- File Formats
- Technical Reference
The Transfer.out file is a pipe delimited ("|" ASCII 124) text format containing patient demographics and is the preferred standard for transferring data from Clinical or into MedicalDirector Pracsoft when linked to a third-party package.
Each line in the file relates to a single patient and consists of a character string terminated with a single Carriage return/Line feed (ASCII 13 + ASCII 10). The file can contain any number of lines (each line representing a different patient record) as per the following format and is usually created in a shared data directory.
Field Position Name Max Field Length Description 1 LinkingID 9 Unique identifying code for each patient 1 2 Title 5 Patient's Title 3 Surname 30 Patient's Surname 4 FirstName 30 Patient's First name. For patients who go by a single name, this field will be exported as an empty string.
5 Address Details 40 Street and Number 6 City 25 City or Suburb 7 PostCode 4 Postcode 8 DOB 10 Date of birth in format dd/mm/yyyy 4 9 MedicareNo 12 Medicare Number 10 MedicareNo Ref 1 Medicare Index/Reference Number 11 Pension Number 14 Pension Number 12 DVA Number 14 DVA Number 13 Phone (Home) 14 Home Phone Number 14 Phone (Work) 14 Work Phone Number 15 Pension Code 1 Pension Code – P, R, L or blank 2 16 Gender 1 Blank (Not Stated) M (Male)
F (Female)
X (Intersex)
O (Other)
17 SafetyNet No 14 Safety Net Number 18 Chart No 10 Record Number 3 19 Head of Family 9 ExternalID of the Head of Family record 20 LinkCode 1 A, U - Add, Update Each Field is separate with a pipe (ASCII 124)
Blank fields should be kept as blank
Each field accepts a maximum number of characters you may use as many or as few characters as you wish, provided you do not exceed the maximum. It is not necessary to pad out fields with blank spaces in order to meet the maximum number of characters.
May contain letters or numbers in a character format. This field needs to be unique as it is used as a key to identify patients and their associated clinical history. The system generating the should not recycle this ID for other patients
P = Pension/HCC holder R = VA yellow card holder L = DVA white card holder
This field corresponds to the patient's record in the paper-based files, e.g. the RACGP filing system.
If no date is available, spaces should be used as a place holder.
- File Formats
- Technical Reference
The VISITS.OUT file format is used to transfer data relating to Medicare items selected during consultation from Clinical.
This file is usually created in a shared data directory. On leaving a patient's record, a single line is added to this file containing any Medicare items recorded during the consultation (by clicking the Medicare button on the progress notes page). Fields within each line are separated by a pipe '|' (ASCII Character 124).
Fields of the Visits.OUT file format Position Name Notes 1 ExternalID Patient identifier generated by billing program 2 SURNAME 3 FIRSTNAME Patient's First name. For patients who go by a single name, this field will be exported as an empty string.
4 TITLE 5 ADDRESS 6 CITY 7 POSTCODE 8 CHART_NO Patient's paper record number. 9 PENS_NO Pension number. 10 DVA_NO Veteran's affairs number. 11 PENSCODE Pension code. 12 S_NET Safety net number 13 MC_NO Medicare number. 14 MC_INDEX Medicare card line number. 15 PROV_NO Doctor's provider number. 16 DR_NAME Doctor's name. 17 VISITDATE Date of the visit. 18 ITEMLIST The list of Medicare item numbers selected, with NNAC appended if the Not normal aftercare check box was checked. 19 DURATION Duration of the visit as recorded by the MDW timer at the time the Save button is pressed. 20 NOTES Contents of the "Notes" field on the Medicare window.