Diabetic Notes
- Diabetic results (eg CREATININE, HbA1c, HDL, TRIG) will be automatically transferred into the Diabetes Record inside the patient's file. In doing so, the information will also be displayed within the Diabetes Register (available via the Search menu) if the patient is flagged as having a diabetic condition.
- The BSL value is for non-fasting or random glucose and is not picked up in the patient's Diabetes Record although it is plotted on the patient's Blood Glucose Graph.
- Other fields in the Diabetes Register, including Fasting Blood Glucose, Protein, Glycosuria, Haematuria, Ketones and Leucoytes are not automatically transferred into the patient's diabetes record when a result is checked off.
- Fasting Blood Glucose results do not automatically populate the Blood Glucose Graph even though they display after being entered through the Add Values button of the Diabetes Record.