HL7 Acknowledgments

When an HL7 result batch file is imported into Clinical the Investigations Results Provider or sender has the option to receive an acknowledgement file. There are two types of acknowledgement file depending on the type of downloaded file. These files are created automatically if the option, Tools > Options > Investigations > Generate ACK files box is ticked or Generate Acknowledgements box is ticked in …Advanced > Upload/Download software….

  • ACK: acknowledgment for all types of result, including letters, with an ORC or ORU segment – 12345.ACK for example, except,
  • RRI: an acknowledgment for Discharge Summaries sent in HL7 with an RF1 segment – 12345.RRI for example.

    The acknowledgement files are stored in the folder(s) set via Tools > Options > Investigations > Setup Data Transfer in the Uploads text box, or …Advanced > Upload/Download software… for each entry.