Maintain Your Computers and Network
To maintain your computers and network, MedicalDirector recommends:
- All computer equipment must meet the minimum recommended level to operate satisfactorily. Refer to the Clinical System Requirements for MedicalDirector SQL-Based Products.
- Computers that experience errors must be removed from your network until they have been fixed. If the problem computer is needed, have it fixed immediately because problem computers can compromise the correct functioning of the network and the integrity of your data files.
- Network equipment such as routers, especially wireless devices, must be setup and configured by a trained technician. It is critical that your computers are connected using properly installed and certified cabling. Test and keep network cabling and switches in good order. Poor connections can cause errors in your system and are very difficult to trace. If you are unsure of your wiring or are planning a replacement, including a wireless network, consult a specialist in this field.
- MedicalDirector highly recommends the installation of a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) to prevent damage to your hardware and data files from power fluctuations. MedicalDirector also recommends that the power points used by the computer and its peripheral equipment should not be shared with other equipment.
- Install a virus checker and keep its signature files current. Set up the virus checker to auto-upgrade if possible.
- If your ISP (Internet Service Provider) does not provide a firewall for your Internet connection, MedicalDirector recommends you install a firewall to protect your system.
- Use operating systems that were designed for business environments because they have greater internal security for networks and users.
- Keep up-to-date with operating system service packs and security fixes.
- Because your system is a business environment, MedicalDirector recommends you limit the installation and use of unnecessary software and use reputable hardware. Freeware can cause disruption to your business environment so MedicalDirector recommends limiting the use of such software as much as possible.
- Ensure all users have sufficient permissions to perform required tasks.
- Use reputable and appropriately qualified professional technicians, particularly if you plan to use Terminal Server or Citrix Metaframe. This cost is small compared to the cost of fixing incorrectly configured systems and networks.