
OneNil is a separate business brand of MedicalDirector conceived for the purposes of providing properly deidentified and aggregated data-based analysis and insights to external organisations for projects that are in keeping with MedicalDirector's vision, mission and data governance framework. By participating in OneNil, you will be contributing to new insights that can enable better health care resulting in better health outcomes. In return, you will receive the benefit of accessing insight from all OneNil projects via a quarterly report as well as being invited to propose future research activities for OneNil and to contribute to its vision and direction.

If you wish to be a data contributor to OneNil, you can select yes below, and then use our data extraction tool which has been designed to allow you to de-identify certain data and then share de-identified data with MedicalDirector for the purposes of OneNil.

Once you feel informed about your decision, consenting to OneNil and running the data extraction tool will only take a couple of minutes of your time. Beyond this, you should discuss with your patients that de-identified, aggregated data might be collected as a result of their consultation (if they do not opt-out) and that this de-identified, aggregated information may be used for the commercial benefit of organisations including MedicalDirector.

OneNil believes strongly in allowing individuals to control access and use of their own health information.

Participation in OneNil by data contributors will require them actively to choose to do so.

If a OneNil data contributor wishes to cease participating in OneNil then we will act on that request.