Moving Sensitive Data

If you move sensitive patient information onto removable media such as a USB, thumb or flash drive, external hard drive, or CD/DVD, you must ensure your patient’s sensitive information is best protected in the event the data is lost or stolen.

Before you begin

You should be familiar with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) and your responsibilities. Under the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act), the Australian Information Commissioner may issue guidelines regarding acts or practices that may have an impact on the privacy of individuals. For the latest APPs that impact on the privacy of individuals and your responsibilities, see

About this task

This task shows you how to prepare your sensitive data before moving it to removable media. The main tasks are:
  1. The files are archived (zipped) into a single file.
  2. The zip file is encrypted with AES-256 encryption algorithm.
  3. A password (encryption key) is applied that meets the definition of a strong password.


To archive and encrypt sensitive data:
  1. Download the free 7-Zip archiving and encryption tool from and install it on your workstation or server.
  2. Open the 7-Zip program.
  3. In 7-Zip, locate, select and highlight the folders or files you want to archive and encrypt.
    Example archive tool with folder selected
  4. Click Add iconAdd.
  5. In the Add to Archive window:
    Example Add to Archive window
    1. In the Archive field, name the archived file.
      Example archive name
    2. In the Encryption section, in the Enter password field, add a strong password.
      Example Encryption pane
      You must remember this password.

      There are many free websites that will generate a random strong password for you. In your browser, search for ‘strong password generator’ or ‘password generator’.

    3. In the Reenter password field, enter the same password again.
    4. From the Encryption method list, select AES-256.
    5. Click OK.


The folder or files you selected are saved as an archive file to the location from which you selected the files with the name you provided.

What to do next

In Windows Explorer, you can now copy the archived and encrypted file to removable media.
To unencrypt the archived files at the destination location:
  1. Ensure that 7-Zip is installed on the computer to which you want to unencrypt the archived file.
  2. In Windows Explorer, right-click on the archived file and select 7-Zip > Open archive.
  3. In the Enter password window, enter the password you added to the file in step 5b.

The file is unencrypted and the contents are accessible.