
A Wildcard character is a special character that can be used as a place holder or substitute for other characters (limitations apply). The following examples demonstrate the use of Wildcard characters:

* (asterisk) The * symbol can be used to ignore any character or characters.
Example 1:

'*SEN' in the Surname field finds all the ANDERSEN, PETERSEN, JOHANNESSEN families, and any others ending in 'SEN'.

Example 2:

'AND*EN' in the Surname field finds ANDERSEN, and any other names starting with 'AND' and ending with 'EN'. There may be any number of characters in place of the asterisk.

# (hash sign) The # symbol can be to ignore numeric characters (numbers).
Example 1:

'#B' in the Address field finds all patients whose address has a street name that starts with the letter B. This effectively ignores the street number which precedes the street name (23 Black Street).

Example 2:

'#MAIN' in the Address field finds all patients living on Main Street or Road regardless of the house number. It will also find any other street that starts with 'MAIN', MAINWARING ROAD for instance.