ADF Post-Discharge GP Health Assessment
The ADF Post-discharge Health Assessment tool was developed by MedicalDirector in association with Flinders University for the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) to assist GPs in identifying and diagnosing the early onset of physical or mental health problems among former serving members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF).
To open the assessment, in the clinical window, select
.The assessment is based on well validated screening measures which target:
- Levels of physical activity
- Chronic pain
- Sleep
- Alcohol and substance use
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Psychological health and sexual health
The assessment will usually take between 20-75 minutes to complete depending on the number and complexity of issues identified. The assessment should be undertaken by the patient's usual treating medical practitioner who can be assisted by a suitably qualified health professional (e.g., a practice nurse). Following the assessment advice is provided for issues requiring follow-up.
A once-off Medicare rebate is available to each patient completing this assessment.