Configuring Clinical for Downloading

Once a compatible third-party download system has been set up on your computers, configure Clinical to use it.

You will require the following information:
  • Name and address of the Investigations provider - ensure your laboratori is listed in the Clinical Address Book with the appropriate category, either PAthology or Radiology.
  • File extension used for the result files - Clinical looks for results files to import with file extensions it recognises. Record all the extensions for all file formats that your providers use in Manage Communications. Investigations providers may use standard files (PIT or HL7) or may use a unique format, such as GRI.
  • Investigation results location - the location on your network where downloaded results files are stored. The default location where imported results are saved is C:\Program Files\Health_Communication_Network\Messages\In. If providers use a different location with custom download folders, configure the location in Clinical on every computer to which you want to import results for each provider who uses this option.