Scheduling a Telehealth Consultation in Clinical

Create a Telehealth consultation or appointment and send the link to your patient before the appointment is due.

Before you begin

About this task

The telehealth link becomes valid 5 minutes prior to the scheduled consult time, and remains valid for 2 hours from the scheduled consult time.

The SMS charge is independent of your subscription with MedicalDirector or any third-party SMS providers you may be working with.


To schedule a Telehealth consultation:
  1. Either:
    • Open the patient's record Clinical. The Smart Telehealth widget is automatically populated with the patient's details. Continue now to Step 2.
    • Search for a patient by clicking Search Patients.

      Select the patient in the results. Click to create the appointment. Continue now to Step 3.

  2. By default it is assumed you wish to create a new appointment or consult. You can also view upcoming (next in queue), booked and past consults.

  3. Scroll down to the Appointment Date/Time section, and create a new consultation/appointment by selecting the date, time and duration.
    You can create multiple consultations.

  4. Click to create the consultation.


The patient receives an email or SMS (depending on your selection) containing the consultation link and details.

What to do next

If you need to resend the Telehealth appointment details you can do so via the Upcoming Consultations link on the widget home screen.