Testing the microQuark Spirometer in Clinical

Before you begin


  1. Select Tools > Tool Box > > Respiratory Function from the patient's Clinical window. The Respiratory tab appears.

  2. Click Device to use the microQuark Spirometer device to record values.
  3. Click Record The Available Spirometer Machines window is displayed if more than one device is installed. Select the device you wish to use from this window.
  4. Conduct the test in the device software.
  5. Close the software when you have finished. Clinical imports the test results into the Respiratory tab.

    Using the Graph View

    • Click Graph to display the patient's record in graph format. Use the scroll bar to view different sections of the graph.
    • Click Print to print the sections of the graph displayed on the screen.
    • Click Close to close the Graph window and return to patient's Clinical window.