A Caveat About the Notations/Comments Filter

After you've actioned a result, it is added to the list of Actioned Items, and this list can be filtered by any notation or commentyou made.

In the example below, we are about to filter the Actioned Items list by 'notation'.

  • The list of 'items to filter by' contains every notation, regardless of whether it was simultaneously added to the source list of notations ( button), or simply recorded ad-hoc.
  • You can see that there are two similar notation entries; "Return Urgently" and "Return Immediately". It is recommended that you don't create multiple similar items like this, when recording an action (as explained above), as it can create more work for you when conducting a search for results. Rather, it is recommended that you encourage users to look through the lists of notations/comments when they're actioning a result, and select one from the list, creating new entries only when there is nothing suitable to select from. You can remove duplicate (similar) entries from this list, but it's not a simple process - See 'Managing the Notation and Comment Filters' for information.