Creating Operations

Create operations from the SAT tab.

Before you begin

A possible workflow that includes use of the Surgical Audit Tool is as follows:


  1. A practitioner performs the actual operation on a patient.
  2. After this operation has been performed, the practitioner views the list of operation records for this patient, from the SAT tab within Clinical.
  3. The practitioner then creates a new operation record. This is done by selecting the SAT tab in the patient's Clinical Window, and then clicking

  4. Subsequent to this, the practitioner may have a consult with the patient:
    • The practitioner will make a Progress Notes entry.
    • The practitioner may determine that a presenting problem relates to an operation. The practitioner will view the list of operation records and edit the relevant record.
  5. The practitioner may generate pre-defined and user-defined reports for a sole practitioner or for all practitioners.

    The Surgical Audit Tool is available as a separate licence to MedicalDirector Clinical. For licensing inquiries, please contact MedicalDirector. The Surgical Audit Tool is installed separately to Clinical, and is available for selection when you run the Clinical Installation Wizard.
