Summary Tab
The Summary tab displays an overview of the patient's Past History, Current Medications, Immunisations, Family History, Social History and Preventive Health data.

Notification Line - The Notification Line at the top of the Summary Tab page alerts you to new data having been added to this patient's record since it was last opened. Such data can include Documents and Investigation Results. In the preceding example, a notification about documents is present.
Family History and Social History- Information here is copied from the Family/Social Hx tab of the Patient Details window. See Editing a Patient's Details from the Clinical Window.
Preventive Health - This section displays preventive health advice for the patient. The range of prompts displayed here is determined by the selection you make within the Preventive Health section of the Prompts tab in Clinical Options.
Double-clicking on any of the quarters of the Summary Tab will bring to focus the related tab. For example, double-clicking on the Past History quarter will bring to focus the Past History Tab.
A context menu is available by right-clicking items within each quarter.