How to get started with MedicalDirector Insights?

Before you begin

  • Ensure your computer/s meet the minimum Operating System requirements;
    • Workstations: Windows 7 and later
    • Servers: Windows Server 2008 and later
    • SQL Server: 2005 and later
  • Upgrade to MedicalDirector Clinical 3.17.1

    Example Insights Dashboard

    How MedicalDirector Insights Works

  • MedicalDirector Insights is downloaded to your practice via MedicalDirector Automatic Update, and installed onto every computer running Clinical.
  • MedicalDirector Insights analyses your MedicalDirector patient database, and generates its own separate database. It saves this database to the same server computer on which your MedicalDirector patient database resides. It uses this database as the source of the data sets it displays to you.
  • Like the MedicalDirector Insights database, the MedicalDirector Insights application is separate to the Clinical application, and is run via its own icon located on your Windows Desktop.

  • When you run MedicalDirector Insights for the first time, it prompts you to create a 'collection' of your patient data - statistics about your patient database captured at that moment in time. You can create an unlimited number of collections, switching between them at any time, and every collection is available to every user on every Clinical computer.
  • Any data you view within MedicalDirector Insights is based on the collection currently selected by you. Other users on other computers can view and work with the same collection as you, or other collections of their choosing, simultaneously.
  • Once a collection has been captured, it cannot be updated i.e. if the last collection you created was made last month, and you need to view statistics on the most up-to-date data, you must create a brand new collection. This new collection does not replace the old collection, but is added to a set of collections which you manage from within MedicalDirector Insights.

    Opening MedicalDirector Insights the First Time

    Opening Insights Opening Insights Running Time: 00:55


  1. Locate and double-click the MedicalDirector Insights icon on your desktop. You will be prompted to log into MedicalDirector Insights.

  2. Select the Configuration (MedicalDirector database) you want to view data for.
  3. Select your username.
  4. Enter you password.
  5. Click OK to proceed. The first time you run MedicalDirector Inisghts (for each Clinical database you have), an analysis of your Clinical data is made, and a separate, corresponding MedicalDirector Insights database is generated. You must generate that database now.
  6. The MedicalDirector Insights database will be created. This may take a moment. Once complete, MedicalDirector Insights will open, and you are presented with theDashboard.When the Dashboard appears for the first time, you will notice that it contains no data; there are no data 'snapshots' to view. This is because an analysis of the data within the newly-created MedicalDirector Insights database has not yet been performed.

    MedicalDirector Insights Overview

    1. Dashboard: The default Dashboard displays charts of popular data sets, but it can be modified. You can also create your own Dashboards. This screen also provides information regarding the specifications of the current collection.
    2. Collection: Your set of collections.
    3. Demographics: Charts of Age (RACGP), Age (ABS), Gender, Indigenous, and a 'population pyramid'.
    4. SNAP: Charts of the popular data sets, 'smoking status', 'alcohol consumption' ,'AUDIT-C', and 'physical activity assessment'.
    5. Measures: BMI categorisation count, HbA1c, Waist Circumference, and Absolute CVD.
    6. Conditions: Prevalence of cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, mental health issues, musculoskeletal issues, renal function, respiratory function, STI condition, miscellaneous.
    7. Medications: Prevalence of heart medications, respiratory medications, and antidiabetic medications.
    8. Reporting: A variety of reports, and a mechanism for submitting data to Health Data Portal.
    9. Settings: Data Set Specifications, Snapshot management, and Filter management.

    Filter: Where you configure a filter for the current data. You can also save filters here, or load saved filters.

    Chart/Table: Buttons for toggling the display mode of the current data between a table, and a chart/graph.

    Save PNG: Save the displayed data as a .PNG image file. This feature is not available to all visualisations.
