Configuring Investigations Options for eOrders

Before you begin

In Investigations Options, you must specify which laboratory you wish to use eOrders for. You can also indicate whether you wish eOrders to be displayed by default, as opposed to accessing it manually.


  1. Select Tools > Options. Select the Investigations tab.
  2. Via the Company drop-down list, select the laboratory you wish to use eOrders for. If you need to create a new entry, click New See also Investigations Options.
  3. (Optional) Tick the following check box options to indicate that you wish to use this laboratory as the default for your pathology and/or cytology eOrders:
    • Use as preferred laboratory (for pathology requests).
    • Use as preferred cervical cytology laboratory.
  4. (Optional) If you wish eOrders to open automatically when you request pathology and/or cytology tests, tick the Default to eOrder service for ordering all pathology/cytology tests check box. eOrders can be accessed manually, regardless.

  5. Click Save to confirm your selections.
