Requests Print Options

Before you begin

Tools > Print Options > Requests Tab

The Requests tab of Print Options provides control over some settings for printing Pathology Request forms.

To setup Pathology Requests printing:


  1. From the Clinical Front Screen, select Tools > Print Options. The Print Options window appears.
  2. Select the Requests tab.

  3. Edit the settings as appropriate. Use the table below for guidelines.
  4. Click Save to save the settings.
    Default request form This section provides options for printing the Clinical 'Plain Paper' request form on either A4 or A5 paper. If the A5 option is selected it can be printed in either portrait or landscape orientation.
    Standard Pathology Request Form These options are used to change the position of the blocks of text on a 'Pre-printed' Standard form (available from the Pathology provider).

    Measurements are in millimetres, measured from the top and left sides of the paper. Increasing the measurement moves the block of text down or right, reducing it moves the block of text up or left. Adjusting the margins moves all text.

    Details block This is the block on the right edge of the form that includes Fasting/Non Fasting, Pregnancy details, Cervical Cytology details and so forth.
    Duplicate section This measurement adjusts the starting position of the duplicated patient's copy from the top of the page.
    Urgent/Billing block These measurements adjust the top/left position of the 'Urgent/Billing' section.
    Number to use on form Here you can select to print either the patient's file number or a computer generated number. This number is printed at the top of both the Laboratory and patient copies sections.
    Print barcode If this option is selected, the requesting doctor's Provider number and the patient's Medicare number is printed on the request form as a barcode.
