Running Your Download Program
You have three options:
- Provide a 'shortcut' (icon) on the user's desktop, which runs the download program.
- Set up a scheduler to automatically transfer the results at regular intervals. As this is most frequently a part of the download program it should be setup by the provider during installation. The provider will be able to confirm this facility is available and how to configure it for the Surgery's requirements.
- Allow Clinical to run your program when a user clicks the 'Import Investigations' menu in Clinical. This method is infrequently used today and is included for legacy support. See below.
This can be setup in two ways:
- MedicalDirector Clinical has the facility to execute or run a user defined 'command' for all entries in the Clinical specialists database which have been marked as either Pathology or Radiology providers. Make sure that there is an address book entry for the provider ( ) with the 'Category' field set to either 'Pathology' or 'Radiology'. Then set the path or command line you would like to run when the user clicks the 'Import Investigations' item on the 'Tools' menu ( ).
- Originally the running of external programs (when performing investigations imports) were handled using specifically named batch files. MD1.xx uses this method only and Clinical (for backward compatibility) will detect and run these batch files if they exist.
There are two batch files that MedicalDirector Clinical looks for:
When the user clicks Import Investigations on the Tools menu, if either of these two files are found in the Clinical home directory, they are run. Because batch files are run in a DOS window, you may need to set up a PIF (Program Information File) for each batch file so that the DOS window closes automatically after execution.
Although this method (batch files) works well and requires less specific configuration, it is not the preferred method for running external programs in Clinical. The facility is really only included for legacy support.
If you do decide to use this method, then be aware that SNP.BAT is reserved for use by Sullivan & Nicolaides Pathology. It is therefore preferable that you use PATHOL.BAT to launch your program.