Smoking Tab
Record a patient's smoking habits on the Smoking tab.

Click View Patient Education Leaflet to open a preselected PDF leaflet entitled 'Smoking - Quitting'. This leaflet is one of many Patient Education leaflets available.
Smoking cessation intervention discussed with patient check box: Ticking this box flags patients for the Smoking Cessation report found in MedicalDirector Insights.
Update Address for All Family Members check box: Update the address details for other family members, with the details of the current patient. Clinical uses the Head of Family. setting to determine which patients are members of the same family. This option is only available when editing Patient Details from the Clinical Window.
Tick the Auto-Capitalise Names check box to automatically capitalise the first letter of each word you type. There are numerous windows throughout MedicalDirector Clinical that offer this functionality, including the various Options tabs.