Address Book

Ctrl + K

File > Address Book

Select File > Address Book.

The Address Book contains the names, phone numbers and address information for specialists, service providers and other people with whom you need to communicate. The data in the Address Book is used in the Letter Writer and when creating Pathology, Imaging and Cytology Investigation Requests.

It is common practice to keep the names of other General Practitioners, Physiotherapists and anyone else to whom you may need to write a clinical letter, in the Address Book.

Address Book names are listed alphabetically by surname or organisation name. You can also filter the list of names by surname or category;

Name To search for a specific person or organisation, type a name into the Search by Surname text box. The first record that matches your text will become highlighted.
Category To see all of the Ophthalmologists, type 'OPH' into the Filter by Category box and only the specialties starting with 'Oph' will be displayed. To see all the specialists again, use the Backspace key to erase 'OPH' from this box.

User-Defined Categories. Custom address book categories can be added, edited and deleted via Lists Options. Please note that if you want to remove a custom category (you cannot remove supplied categories) you must ensure that it is not in use i.e. there are no entries currently listed in the address book under that category.

When entering Pathology or Medical Imaging providers the Pathology or Radiology categories must be used, respectively, for them to appear on the request forms.

Items of interest on the Address Book window

Is a recipient in MDExchange.

Recipient has secure messaging.

Accesses the Online Directory Search.

Add a new person to the Address Book. Requires you have permissions access.

The two dialogue windows for the entry of a new person or a new company differ only in the requirements for the person's name or the company name.

After clicking the button to enter a new person or company, enter the name, address, greeting, and category details at the top of the dialogue window.

Greeting: Contains the text that will follow the greeting at the start of the letter. It will accept both upper and lower case characters. It may contain the first name or other greetings, for example 'Mary-Anne', 'Doctor' or 'Sir/Madam', which will appear at the start of letters as 'Dear Mary-Anne', 'Dear Doctor,' or 'Dear Sir/Madam.
Category: Allows the address book to be filtered by specialties. The specialty field is a list of the most commonly needed specialties. Any specialty that does not appear in this list can be added via Lists Options. Entries with the Pathology and Radiology categories are displayed in the list of companies in the Pathology and X-Ray request dialogue windows for generating request forms. Consider also that for Investigations providers you must enter a valid company alias.
Contact: Provides space for the entry of phone numbers, fax numbers and similar information.
Notes: Can be added at the bottom of the dialogue window.

To modify the details of an existing entry in the Address Book, highlight the entry and click the Edit entry button, or double-click the entry. This will open the same dialogue window used when entering data into the Address Book. Once you have finished, click OK. Requires you have permissions access.

To remove an entry from the Address Book, highlight the entry and then click the Delete Entry button. You will be asked to confirm this action. Requires you have permissions access.