Prescriptions - Real Time Prescription Monitoring
Real Time Prescription Monitoring is computer software that allows prescription records for some high-risk medicines to be transmitted in real-time to a centralised database which can then be accessed by doctors and pharmacists during a consultation. Real Time Prescription Monitoring provided prescribers and pharmacists with a clinical tool to make safer decisions about whether to prescribe or dispense a high-risk medicine. It will facilitate the early identification, treatment and support for patients who are developing signs of dependence.
Prescription medicines causing greatest harm to the community will be monitored through Real Time Prescription Monitoring. This includes all Schedule 8 medicines and other high risk medicines such as benzodiazepines, zolpidem or zopiclone, quetiapine and codeine.
It is important to note that Real Time Prescription Monitoring is referred to differently by each State/Territory, for example 'Safescript', 'QScript' and 'ScriptCheckSA'.