Set up Clinical, manage configuration, user records, updates, back ups and other maintenance.
Manage database configurations.
The User Database is where practitioners and users can be added, edited and deleted, and access levels and restrictions can be defined as appropriate.
If you move sensitive patient information onto removable media such as a USB, thumb or flash drive, external hard drive, or CD/DVD, you must ensure your patient’s sensitive information is best protected in the event the data is lost or stolen.
Clinical provides numerous user-definable options for tailoring the program to your requirements.
Use the MyMedicare Import Wizard to update the MyMedicare status of all your Clinical and Pracsoft patients simultaneously.
Add new widgets from the widget store.
Use the Manage Communications utility to configure how Investigation Results are imported to Clinical.
The MedicalDirector Backup and Restore utilities backup and restore Clinical and Pracsoft.
MedicalDirector Mobility is a utility for downloading patient records to a mobile computer, allowing you to work with them off-site.
Instances of 'nec' found following refer to "Not Elsewhere Classified".
This information applies to MedicalDirector Clinical 4.3.
Set or change your password via the User Database.