User Access

Non-clinical staff are entered as 'Users' into the same database as practitioners. There are three levels of access for Users; Full Access, Limited Access and Basic Access. The Allow Data Export and Allow Options Editing options are available to users with Full or Limited access, but not Basic Access users.

Full Access: Permits access to patient records, with the ability to add and edit history, immunisation, cervical screening, and antenatal data. Summary sheets can be printed, and letters written, saved, and printed. Access to a patient's My Health Record data is granted. Medications cannot be added, changed or deleted. Pathology/Radiology requests cannot be generated. Pathology results cannot be checked. This level is appropriate for nursing staff who may need to add details of immunisations, cervical screening, antenatal visits, and so forth, after the practitioner has seen the patient.

Limited Access: Essentially the same as Full Access, except that whilst databases can be viewed, they cannot be edited. This provides users access to the Letter Writer to create letters containing patient information drawn from the databases.

Basic Access: Permits limited access to demographic information using the options provided from the main screen.