Exporting Via a Chart

Before you begin


  1. The following image displays the 'Smoking status of active patients' data set. This data can be displayed in a table or as a pie chart, and we have elected the latter option, as indicated at the top-left of the image.

  2. At this point, you could export this entire data set. However, for the sake of exercise, we are going to further refine this data by selecting a subset of it; specifically, those patients who are either smokers or ex-smokers. To do this, click the pie segments 'Smoker' and 'Ex-Smoker'. Each segment you select becomes highlighted with a crosshatch, as shown below. Notice also that a box appears to the left of the pie chart to indicate that you have selected 2 regions.

  3. Click View. The MedicalDirector Insights Patient Export window appears. This window presents you with the list of patients to be exported. Notice that it also indicates the Export Data Criteria we specified in Step 2.

  4. To export this list of patients, click either:
    • Excel to export in MS Excel (.xlsx) format.
    • HTML to export in HTML format.
    • CSV to export in CSV (comma-separated values).
    • TSV to export in TSV ( tab-separated values).
    • Add Recall Alternatively, you can generate a Recall notification for these patients.
  5. You will be prompted to save the file. The file name will specify the collection date, along with the date on which the export was made, for example "collection20160116 exported on 20160203.html".
  6. Save the file. You will be returned to the MedicalDirector Insights Patient Export window.
  7. Click OK to exit the MedicalDirector Insights Patient Export window. This concludes the steps necessary for exporting data via a chart.