The 'Pathology Report View' tab

Allows you to gain access to documents that have been password-protected by the patient - it is the patient who controls access to their My Health Record documentation.

Any document can be applied one of two access levels;

Open: the document is unrestricted.

Code: the document requires an access code to view/download.

Click the Change/Gain Access button, and then select from the three Access Type options;

Open Access: no access code required.

Access Code: enables the Access Code field in which you must enter the access code the patient provided you.

Emergency: grants you access to password-restricted documents for five days. To be used in an emergency when the patient cannot be contacted. A record of the document being accessed in this fashion may be sent to the patient.

Applies any Specimen Collection Date filter you set.

Clears the Organisation filter.

Hides/shows the document preview pane in the lower half of the My Health Record window.
Navigate forward/backward through each page of a multi-page document. If a document consists of only one page, these buttons will be unavailable.

Prints the selected document.

Displays a selected document in Full Preview mode.

Closes 'Full Preview' mode, and display the list of documents again.

Opens Letter Writer and presents you with the New dialogue window, prompting you to select a new CDA eHealth document to create.

Saves a selected document to the patient's record in Clinical. The saved document will be available on the Documents tab within the Clinical Window, or the Letters tab in the case of a letter. The result will be saved to the Results Tab.