Prompt/Preventive Health Criteria
Tools > Options > Prompts Tab
Items selected in the Preventive Health section of Prompt Options tab will appear on a Preventive Health Prompt and within the Preventive Health section of the Summary tab on the Clinical Window. See Prompt/Preventive Health Options for more information.

Clinical uses the following criteria for Prompts/Preventive Health Notifications:
Item | Criteria |
The patient's ADF service is recorded as either;
A letter where the subject contains the phrase ' ADF Post-discharge' or ' ADF Post discharge' has not been created for the patient. Note that a Letter Writer template called ' ADF Post-discharge GP Health Assessment' is provided for this purpose. |
ADT Vaccination | Prompt is shown if last ADT vaccination was over 10 years ago
Blood Glucose | Who have no blood glucose reading entered in their medical history. This prompt appears only for patients aged 40+. |
Blood Pressure | Who have no BP records entered in their medical history. |
Cervical Cancer Vaccination | Patient is female or gender-neutral. Patient is >= 14 and <= 26 years of age. Patient has not had all three Gardasil vaccinations. |
Cervical Screening | Female or gender-neutral patients who have not had a cervical screening recorded in the past five years. Notes:
Childhood Immunisation | Under 18 years of age. |
Pneumococcal Disease 'At Risk | See Pneumococcal Disease 'At Risk' Search Criteria for detailed information. |
H. Pylori | Over 14 years of age and have been prescribed H2 Receptor Antagonist drug for 350+ days of the last 400. |
Health Assessment | Who have not had a health assessment in the past 12 months. |
Heart Failure | Who have had heart failure entered in their past medical history. |
Height | Who have no height entered in their medical history. This prompt appears only for patients <20 or >50 years of age. |
Hypokit | Who have had Hypo kit registered in their past medical history. |
Influenza 'At Risk' | See Influenza 'At Risk' Search Criteria for detailed information. |
Mammogram | Female or gender-neutral patients aged 55 or older, who has not had ' mammogram' recorded in their results or history within the last 2 years. |
NSAID/GI Risk | Who have had NSAID/GI entered in their past medical history. |
Pneumococcal Disease 'At Risk' | See Pneumococcal Disease 'At Risk' Search Criteria for detailed information. |
Renal Disease | ATSI and at least 50 years old, or At least 50 years old and have either Hypertension or Diabetes or Diabetes Mellitus. |
Smoking | Who have smoking entered in their medical history. |
Thyroid Disease | Female or gender-neutral patients over 49 years of age who have any of the following recorded: Demented Dementia Depression Diabetes Mellitus Graves Disease High cholesterol Hyperthyroid Hyperthyroidism Hypercholesterolaemia Inflammation - Thyroid Melancholia Organic Thyroiditis Thyrotoxicosis |
Weight | Who have no weight entered in their medical history. |