Registering for Clinical SMS ePrescribing

Before you begin

In light of COVID-19, the cost of SMS ePrescribing is currently being subsidised by the Government until at least the March 31st 2023. After this period, SMS costs will be passed onto practices – the price of which hasn't been finalised yet as we work with suppliers to bring this cost down as much as possible. Use of email messages is free, as are paper tokens and paper prescriptions. We will advise you of the SMS price before charges become applicable.

The original SMS subsidy expiration date was 30th March 2021. To update your installation of Clinical to allow for the subsidy extension, please install the April 2021 MDref update available for download here.


  1. Select Correspondence > SMS > Setup. The Configure > SMS Account Details window appears.

  2. Tick the check box to agree to the MedicalDirector SMS post billing service.

  3. Click Check Account to check your account status. If the Account Status does not read 'Normal', please contact MedicalDirector Customer Service for advice.