SMS Reminder Log
Correspondence > SMS > Log
Clinical keeps a log of SMS correspondence. This log keeps a record of every SMS message you send, including failed messages.
The log is accessed by selecting button at the top of the Clinical Window.

Only messages that have failed can be selected for re-sending. In the image above, the SMS message for Carolina Schein failed because the patient's mobile number was invalid (or, in this case, it was missing from the her record).
Carolina's failed SMS record is displayed in blue to indicate that you can now make another attempt to send the SMS message i.e. in this instance, her record was updated with a valid mobile number.
Button/Column | Description |
Select All / None | Select all records or none. |
Clear Filters | Clears all filters you have applied. If you wish to clear an individual filter, click the Remove Filter button, located within each filter window (accessed by clicking ![]() ). |
Refresh | Refreshes the window with the latest SMS data. |
Open Patient | Opens the record of the selected patient. |
Send | Allows you to attempt to re-send a failed SMS message. In the image above, the SMS message for Carolina Schein failed because the patient's mobile number was invalid (or, in this case, it was missing from the her record). Carolina's SMS record here is displayed in blue to indicate that you can now make another attempt to send the SMS message i.e. in this instance, her record was updated with a valid mobile number. Only messages that have failed can be re-sent i.e. this button will be unavailable to individually-selected SMS records that have already been sent successfully. Note however, if you select a group of SMS records, and within that group there are one or more records that were sent successfully on a previous attempt, you will be notified that those messages will not be sent a second time, an example of which is shown below. ![]() |
Print List / Print List To | Prints the list to your default printer, or to a list of printers to select from (provided there are multiple printers configured). |
Date Created | The date/time the SMS message was created. Note that this is not necessarily the date/time on which the message was sent - this is indicated by the 'Status Time' column. |
Patient | The name of the patient to whom the message was sent. |
Mobile | The mobile phone number the message was sent to. This is the number recorded in the patient's record. This field will be blank if the patient's mobile number is either missing or otherwise invalid. |
Accepts SMS | Indicates, of the failed message attempts, whether the patient accepts the receiving of SMS messages from the practice. If this column is blank, it indicates that the patient has opted-out. |
Created By | The user who sent the SMS message. |
Status | The status of the SMS message. Options include: Sent: The message was received by the recipient's device Not Sent: The message was not sent because either the patient has opted-out of receiving SMS messages, or they do not have a mobile number recorded, or the recorded number is invalid. Queued: The message is queued, waiting for the next available opportunity to be sent. Error: The message was sent, but a transmission error occurred between the Practice and the recipient. |
Status Time | The date/time on which the current status was applied. |
Status Message | A description of the current status. |