Audit-C Alcohol Assessment
The AUDIT-C assessment can help identify persons who are hazardous drinkers or have active alcohol use disorders (including alcohol abuse or dependence). The AUDIT-C is a modified version of the 10-question AUDIT instrument. The AUDIT-C is scored on a scale of 0–12. Each AUDIT-C question has five answer choices. Points allocated are: a = 0 points
b = 1 point
c = 2 points
d = 3 points
e = 4 points
- In men a score of 4 or more is considered positive, optimal for identifying hazardous drinking or active alcohol use disorders.
- In women a score of 3 or more is considered positive (same as above).Note:prior to your first use of the Audit-C Assessment, MedicalDirector Clinical will read the last assessment recorded using the old alcohol assessment tool (pre Clinical v3.16a), and attempt to map it to the Audit-C fields. See the table below for data-mapping information.
- Click View Alcohol Guidelines to open a window of information on alcohol consumption.
- Click Reference to open the World Health Organisation's web page 'Screening and brief intervention for alcohol problems in primary health care'.
- Click New Assessment to record a new assessment. This clears data from the window, ready for your new assessment. Once you completed the assessment, click Save to save the data. A new entry will be added to the list of assessments, located at the top-right of this window.
- A note is also added to the patient's Progress Notes.
- Information you save here is reflected in the patient's Health Assessment, and ATSI Health Assessment (for eligible patients).
- The latest assessment is always displayed by default when you access the Alcohol tab.
- To view a previous assessment, locate and double-click a previous assessment from the list at the top-right of this window.
- Click Delete to delete a previous assessment.
Update Address for All Family Members check box: Update the address details for other family members with the details of the current patient. Clinical uses the Head of Family setting to determine which patients are members of the same family. This option is only available when editing Patient Details from the Clinical Window.
Auto-Capitalise Names check box:
Tick the Auto-Capitalise Names check box to automatically capitalise the first letter of each word you type. There are numerous windows throughout MedicalDirector Clinical that offer this functionality, including the various Options tabs.