
Before you begin

Spell-check and thesaurus are incompatible with Windows 8.1, 10, and Server 2012 R2, and have been disabled in versions of Clinical prior to 3.17.1

Shift + F7 (via Letter Writer)

Edit > Thesaurus (via Letter Writer)

The thesaurus is used to find synonyms for a selected word within a letter.


  1. Select the word to be replaced.
  2. Select Edit > Thesaurus, or press Shift+F7. The Thesaurus window appears, displaying a list of available synonyms.

  3. If you wish, select a word from the list of meanings that more-accurately describes what you are trying to communicate.
  4. Select the synonym that is closest to the desired meaning. This will be displayed in the Replace With box.
  5. Click Replace to replace the word in the letter.
