Adding, Deleting and Modifying Tab Stops (Method 1)

Before you begin


  1. Position the cursor within the paragraph that contains the tab stop you wish to modify.

    Tabs are paragraph-specific. In other words, when you modify a tab it affects only the current paragraph. When you then create a new paragraph by pressing the Enter key, the new paragraph adopts the tab stop settings from the previous paragraph, unless you alter them manually.

  2. Remove the tab you no longer need by clicking on the associated tab spot marker (above the ruler) and dragging it off the ruler.
  3. To add a tab stop to the ruler, select the type of tab you want to add from the set of Tab buttons on the Formatting toolbar. These tab buttons are for Left-aligned tabs, Right-aligned, Decimal and Center-aligned, respectively.
  4. Click on the tab bar above the ruler to place the new tab. Whilst you hold down the mouse button you should notice a measurement figure appear to the far left of the tabs set. This is the distance from the margin, and helps you to set your tab stop correctly.

    You can set a maximum of 14 Tab Stops.

  5. Release the mouse button. Your tab stop is now set in place. You can move this tab (and others) horizontally along the tab bar to suit.
