Languages Spoken by Your Patient

Before you begin

Ctrl + D

Patient > Details

A patient's spoken languages, and whether the patient requires an interpreter, can be recorded when creating a new patient record or editing an existing one, as explained below.


  1. From within the patient's Clinical Window, either;
    • Select Patient > Details
    • Press Ctrl + D
    • Double-click any demographic field displayed at the top of the patient's Clinical Window.
  2. The Patient Details window appears.

  3. Select the Personal Details tab.

  4. Locate the Spoken Language/s field, and then click adjacent to it. The Select Language window appears.

  5. Indicate the patient's language(s) by ticking one or more check boxes provided. In the following example, the user has navigated to the 'German' option within the Northern European Languages set. They have also selected 'Swiss' from the 'Most Commonly Used' section; this section is populated with the top-10 most used languages from your patient database.
    • For a complete list of supported languages, see Language Codes.

    • Alternatively, you can search for a specific language by typing into the search field provided. In the example following, languages beginning with the prefix "swa" are being searched for, and the 1at of 2 results is currently displayed. Click the and buttons to navigate through the list of search results.

  6. Click OK to confirm your selection(s).
  7. (optional) Indicate the patient's preferred language, and whether they require and interpreter.

  8. Ensure you click Save on the Patient Details window to save your changes.