Ethnicity Codes

The following hierarchical list of ethnicity codes is a subset of data provided by the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS), and used in Clinical when you record a patient's country of birth and ethnicity.

The 'Ethnicity' data in Clinical was obtained from the Australia Bureau of Statistics (ABS): *1249.0 - Australian Standard Classification of Cultural and Ethnic Groups (ASCCEG), 2011


  • Instances of 'nec' refer to "Not Elsewhere Classified".
  • Instances of 'nfd' refer to "Not Further Defined".
  • You can import and export the ethnicity field of a patient's demographics. When doing so, note that;
    • It is not imported/exported within one of the default format file types offered in the File Format window, and must be added as part of a custom file format.
    • The custom file format must be anything other than 'Fixed Length'. This is specified via the Field Format window. The ethnicity field cannot be exported using a fixed length format, and will not be available for selection in this window until you have selected a different format.
    • You can import/export multiple ethnicity codes per patient (as each patient can have multiple ethnicities). If you choose to use multiple codes, they must be separated by a comma. For example, if the file format is CSV, the "ETHNICITY IDS" field will be: "1100, 2102, 2306"