Via the CurrentRx Tab

Before you begin


  1. After you have prescribed a medication, right-click a given medication from the Current Rx tab, and select the Single and Multi-Ingredient Products option.
    CurrentRx Tab Showing Single and Multi-Ingredient Products
  2. The Single and Multi-Ingredient Products window appears.
    • This window displays any medications that share at least one ingredient with the selected medication, regardless of whether they themselves contain more or fewer ingredients than the selected medication.

      • PBS > - Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
      • RPBS > - Restricted Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
      • B.P.P. > - Brand Price Premium
      • T.G.P. > - Therapeutic Group Premium
      • S.P.C. - Special Patient Contribution
  3. Via the Alternatives section at the bottom of the window, filter the drug list if desired.
  4. Select the medication you wish to prescribe.
  5. Click Prescribe to confirm your selection.
